Dental Implants
in Spokane, Washington
Dental Implants
Dental implants are one of the best ways to replace your missing teeth. Why? Because our Spokane dental implants:
Can replace missing teeth
Strengthen your bone
Avoid alteration of your other teeth
And even support your denture smile
Types of Dental Implant Restorations
With dental implants we can replace single teeth, multiple teeth, or all of your teeth at one time. These stand-alone prosthetic roots can support crowns, bridges, and even permanent implant dentures.
Your Implant Process
The dental implant process is a surgical placement that is done here in our certified ambulatory center. Each prosthetic implant root is placed directly into your bone, where your natural teeth would be. Once new bone formation has secured your implant in place, we will install an abutment over the implant, and then the fixed restoration (such as a denture or crown.)
Sleep Dentistry of Spokane dentists have extensive experience in oral surgeries like dental implant placement. Feel free to call us to schedule a no-pressure consultation with us to learn more about the process and to find out if implants are right for you.